Barack Obama damn near killed me today

These politicians, candidates for president, think they can do whatever the fuck they want. Sen. Obama, the junior senator from Illinois, has been wowing people because nobody knows who he is. He’s a politician, a Democrat. That’s enough for me. He’s untrustworthy scum. Even as he professes his deep and profound Christian faith.

And out of all the Democrats already running for the nomination, Obama is the only one I would vote for. But I’m not voting for him. Or anyone else I’ve heard of. I might vote for Gore. Clinton should stick to the senate. Edwards needs to go away. Is there anyone else? I’m voting Libertarian or Green. Fuck them all.

Anyway. The dude was in Iowa City today talking about Earth Day. And I headed out a few hours later. Went to the store to pick up some food. And a big-ass truck was parked in the intersection just behind where Obama spoke. Workers loaded the stage into the truck. The truck was blocking the lights. It was mass confusion. Cars flying one way and another. We don’t know how to act without the rules.

Fucking politicians. I hate them all.


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